King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Year 7s Study Diversity Within Faith

December 2018

This month, all of our Year 7 students have been visiting local churches to compare the diversity within faith traditions.


Rocket Design with Primary Pupils

December 2018

This month, we were joined in school by around 80 local primary school pupils in Years 5 and 6 for an exciting three-part STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Challenge.


Music Industry Experience at Garage Studio

December 2018

Last term, 16 members of our Rock and Pop Institute (RPI), who are in Years 9-11, visited the Garage Studio in South Shields to experience recording and filming in a professional setting.


Movie Makers of the Future

December 2018

Sixth Form students in Year 13 have been making movies as part of their BTEC Level 3 qualification in Creative Media Production.


Reward Trip to see Sleeping Beauty

December 2018

A group of 15 students in Years 7-10 have been rewarded for their positive attitude and hard work with a trip to Bishop Auckland Town Hall to see Sleeping Beauty.


Lessons from Auschwitz

November 2018

Accompanied by Mrs Cross, Director of Learning for Religious Studies, two of our A'Level students have recently flown to Poland to take part in a one-day visit to Berkenau and Auschwitz One camps to learn more about the Holocaust.


Aim Higher in Liverpool

November 2018

A group of Year 11 students have recently returned from a residential visit to Liverpool as part of our Aim Higher programme.


Careers Fair Helps Students Plan for a Successful Future

November 2018

This month, students in all year groups have attended our annual Careers Fair, which was supported once again by a wide variety of local businesses, national organisations, colleges and universities.


Remembrance Service at King James

November 2018

In memory of those killed and wounded in conflict, and along with millions of people across the world, we held a special Remembrance Service to mark 100 years since Armistice Day.


COMING SOON! Additional Catering Outlet

November 2018

An exciting new catering outlet will soon be coming to King James thanks to funding from the National Lottery. The project, which will offer an additional outlet for hot food at lunch time, will be brought to life in the form of a stylish wooden cabin, which will be similar in design to our brand new "Pavilion' building.