King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Academy Reward Day

July 2018

Our students work hard throughout the year and achieve great things through dedication and effort. Our Reward Day recognises students with an excellent attitude to their studies and homework, alongside a good attendance and behaviour record.


Drama Outreach at Picnic in the Park

July 2018

Last term, two of our Year 9 students, supported by two of our former Sixth Formers worked on an exciting primary outreach project called "Picnic in the Park' in partnership with the Auckland Project. The activity took place in the beautiful grounds of Auckland Castle.


Novo Começa!

July 2018

Over 300 people from our local community came to King James to see our latest Dance Show, entitled Novo Começa, which is Portuguese for "New Beginnings'.


Win at Bishop Auckland Town Team Youth Awards

July 2018

We celebrated a grand total of seven nominations at the Bishop Auckland Town Team Youth Awards 2018, which recognises the achievements of young people in our area.


Studying Geography in the Lake District

July 2018

Year 11 GCSE Geography students have enjoyed a field trip to Keswick as part of their studies. The town, which was devastated by floods in both 2005 and 2009, now has a £6 million flood protection scheme, which makes it the perfect location to study flood defences.


Girls Active in Wimbledon

July 2018

This month, eight of our Year 10 girls travelled to London to take part in our Girls Active Wimbledon trip. The two-day trip is organised each year by our PE Department to promote female participation in sport and to reward students who show dedication in their lessons.


Talent in Art and Photography

July 2018

Each year, students on our Art and Photography courses produce a diverse range of innovative pieces which demonstrate exceptional imagination and skill. This year was no exception.


Placed 9th in the World in Language Perfect Competition!

July 2018

This year, 191 different schools from across the world took part in the 2018 Language Perfect global linguistic competition and we placed ninth overall!


Nurturing a Love of Shakespeare

July 2018

Our Year 8 Nurture Group has been studying Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Shakespeare can be quite challenging but the group has been learning about the characters, themes and the historical context of the play through art, drama and music.


Future Engineers Visit Westminster Palace

July 2018

Five of our Year 8 boys have recently travelled to London to take part in the National Final of the "Solutions for the Planet' competition, which was one of the many learning activities that made up last year's extensive STEM programme.