King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


630 visitors at Year 6 Open Evening!

September 2023

Over 630 people attended our annual Year 6 Open Evening event this year. Visitors met our leaders, teachers and students, enjoyed an academy tour and took part in a host of fun activities in all departments.


Vision - Issue 40: Autumn 2023

September 2023

So many reasons to choose King James.

Inside: Exam Results, Transition Summer School, Year 5 Week, Duke of Edinburgh Awards,

Sports News, Auckland Project Partnership, Educational Visits, Sixth Form News and much more.


Live music in school with The Mercians

September 2023

Students in all year groups have been treated to a live music performance with up and coming Indie band, The Mercians.


Ben wins Bronze in swimming competition

September 2023

Year 8 student, Ben T has won a bronze medal in the 100m breast stroke at a swimming competition held at the Neptune Centre, Middlesbrough.


Media and Photography in Barcelona

September 2023

Students in our Media and Photography departments have enjoyed an educational trip to the beautiful city of Barcelona to take in the stunning architecture and experience the vibrant Spanish culture.


Sixth Form Results 2023

August 2023

King James I Academy Sixth Form students are celebrating another record-breaking year of success, following A-Level, Applied General and Tech Levels. 100% of students have gained a place at their first-choice university, with students accepted for places at Oxford, Durham and St. Andrew’s universities, including degree courses in Medicine, Psychology and Anthropology.


Activity Day for Years 7-10

July 2023

Each year, during the final week of term at King James, we host Activity Day, where Heads of Year organise a variety of fun activities for students in their year group.


Working in partnership with The Auckland Project

July 2023

Earlier in the year, we established a working partnership with The Auckland Project, which gives us access to many of the venues, attractions and parkland the project offers, and an opportunity to deliver exciting learning opportunities outside of the classroom.


Sports Day 2023

July 2023

In glorious July sunshine, an excellent time was had by competitors and spectators alike at our Year Group Sports Day events.


Studying mise-en-scene at Beamish Museum

July 2023

Here at King James, 15 of our dedicated Year 10 Media students have attended an educational trip to Beamish Museum.