King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Rock Climbing Taster Session for Year 10's

July 2014

A group of students in Year 10 have recently enjoyed a taster session of Rock Climbing thanks to portable facilities provided by Consett and District YMCA.


Getting a Taste for 200mph Re-ball!

July 2014

Sixth Form Media students have recently enjoyed a Re-ball and Climbing Wall taster session at the Academy organised by the Consett and District YMCA.


Wolsey Triumph at Sports Day

July 2014

This year, whilst our building work is underway, our annual Sports Day took place at Bishop Auckland Cricket Club, which is located next to our school grounds.


Students Aim Higher in Leeds and Northumbria

July 2014

Mr Shearer, our Head of Sixth Form's "Aim Higher' initiative gives students in Years 9-13 an opportunity to visit universities across the UK to get a taste of student life. Trips take place throughout the year to cities including London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Liverpool.


UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Success

July 2014

Once again, we are celebrating the exceptional achievement of our students in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge.


Actively Involved in our Community

July 2014

Each year, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 take part in ACE (Active Community Engagement) Day, an event designed to raise awareness and encourage our young people to become more involved in their local community. This year, a host of activities took part both inside and outside of our school grounds.


Over £1,000 Donated to the Philippines Red Cross Appeal

July 2014

Had it not been for the devastating earthquake and typhoon in the Philippines, the King James Marine Conservation team would have recently returned from a three week scuba diving adventure to the islands of Cebu and Bohol. There, they would have been working with local people to help preserve the coral reefs. Sadly, due to concerns about safety in the region, the expedition had to be cancelled, however this gave our students another idea.


Year 7's make a Food Bank delivery on ACE Day

July 2014

As part of our A.C.E Day activities, a group of Year 7 students, accompanied by Mrs Stewart, visited the Durham Food Bank to deliver and help sort groceries that they had collected in school.


Body Worlds Vital at the Life Science Centre

July 2014

In July, Gunther Von Hagens' astounding exhibition, Body Worlds Vital, launched at Newcastle's Life Centre, showcasing human anatomy on real bodies, which have all undergone Gunther's method of plastination. Sixth Form students from Biology, Applied Science, Phsychology and Health-and-Social Care were among the first to visit the exhibition.


Exclaimer Magazine Vol. 10

July 2014

Breaking Bad:Taming Heisenberg

Inside: Issue 10 of the free e-magazine written and produced by an editorial team of young people at King James.

Click Here to visit the Exclaimer Magazine website.