King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


End of an era for Year 11 leavers

July 2022

In July, we said farewell to students in Year 11 as they embarked upon the next stage in their lives, whether that be Sixth Form at King James, an apprenticeship programme, a full time job or college.


Art reward trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

July 2022

30 Art students in Key Stage 3 have been rewarded for their effort in the subject with an end of year trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield.


Music recording at The Hub studio

July 2022

A group of Year 9 Music students have visited The Hub in Barnard Castle to experience what it’s like to record in a professional studio.


Ice cream rewards for top Class Charts achievers

July 2022

Mrs Aitkin, our Deputy Headteacher, has surprised students with an Ice Cream van at the final Half Term Rewards event.


A week of work experience

July 2022

To ensure our Sixth Formers have the best chance of success when applying for university, apprenticeships or a job, we arrange a work experience week for Year 12s to help them learn new skills and add to their CV.


Inspired by the pros at Wimbledon

July 2022

A group of eight Year 10 girls were rewarded for their positive attitude and excellent behaviour in PE lessons, with an overnight trip to London to watch pro tennis players at Wimbledon.


Languages visit to the Spanish Gallery

July 2022

A group of 24 lucky Year 7 Languages students have visited the Spanish Gallery in the Market Place for free.


Soak a Teacher event raises £175

July 2022

Students in all year groups have enjoyed a fantastic ‘Soak the Teacher’ event to raise funds for the Year 7 charity, the Cavernoma Society.


Career talk with Glaxo Smith Kline

July 2022

Representatives from Glaxo Smith Kline, Livia Kippax and Francesca Hume, visited King James to talk to Year 10 students about the many opportunities for Degree Apprenticeships within the company.


Guiding students with career planning

July 2022

Students in all year groups at King James benefit from an extensive programme of special events and opportunities to help them make plans for a successful future in the career of their choice.