Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Academy Recruiting Footballers for Elite Course

February 2018

King James I Academy is currently in the process of recruiting aspiring athletes to its elite football programme, which will begin in September 2019. The specialist sports programme is an opportunity for young people to gain a professional qualification in Sport.


Aim Higher University Trip to Edinburgh

January 2018

As part of our Aim Higher programme, students in Years 10-13 have enjoyed a two day residential trip to Edinburgh. There they explored the city and visited Queen Margaret University.


King James Sixth Form - A Great Place to Study

January 2018

Our Sixth Form students are busy preparing for their future, working hard to complete coursework, revising for exams and preparing for interviews.


New Sixth Form Courses for 2018

January 2018

We offer a diverse range of traditional and vocational courses at King James I Academy Sixth Form, however we hope to offer even more choice in the next academic year.


Students Create a Sense of Belonging

January 2018

At King James Sixth Form, the students help to make the Academy a happy and friendly environment for all students to feel accepted. Here, Year 13 student, Christian R talks about Sixth Form life.


NUS-Extra Discount Card

January 2018

Our Sixth Formers have recently been given the opportunity to make huge savings by signing up for the NUS-Extra card.


Animal Management visits the RSPCA

November 2017

As part of their Level 3 qualification in Animal Management, our Sixth Form students have recently enjoyed a visit to the RSPCA at Felledge Animal Centre in Chester-le-Street.


Media students make donation to If U Care Share Foundation

November 2017

Students at King James I Academy have raised £541.47 for the If U Care Share Foundation in one of the many initiatives organised by the Academy to promote good citizenship and community involvement.


Stadium Sports Academy Victory in First Match of the Season

October 2017

As football season begins, members of our newly launched Stadium Sports Academy Football Team are celebrating victory in a match against Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College in Darlington.


Return from Venice

October 2017

Eleven Photography and Art students have recently returned from a four-day study trip to the beautiful city of Venice. The group studied culture and architecture to enhance their creative portfolios for both GCSE and A' Level coursework.