King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Key Stage 4 Rewards Store is a big hit

February 2024

Key Stage 4 students are really enjoying spending their Class Charts points on prizes at our Reward Store.


Celebrating achievement at Prize Evening

February 2024

This year, more visitors than ever attended our annual Prize Evening. Not only was our Main Hall full to capacity, but our overflow seating in the Dining Hall was too!


Chess Club grows in popularity

February 2024

Our lunchtime Chess Club is especially popular with Key Stage 3 students who are developing their skills with every game.


Supporting Children's Mental Health Week 2024

February 2024

Each year at King James, we organised a number of themed activities to support Children's Mental Health Week; this year events took place from 5th - 11th February.


Just Dance for the British Thyroid Foundation

January 2024

Three Performing Arts students at King James I Academy have raised £350 for the British Thyroid Foundation by organising a ‘Just Dance’ marathon in school.


Investigating the Golden Ratio in Maths

January 2024

Students in Mrs. Glen's Year 10 GCSE Maths class have been investigating the link between the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio.


UKMT Maths competition success for Sixth Formers

January 2024

Sixth Form Mathematicians have taken part in the annual UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge with great success.


Trading Card Marathon Raises £946!

December 2023

A group of community-minded Sixth Form students have donated £946.40 to The Angel Trust, following an unusual fundraising event which saw them take on a 12-hour gaming marathon in the school’s Dining Hall from 8am until 8pm.


Foodbank Collection at King James I Academy

December 2023

Each year in December at King James, students and staff collect items of food and toiletries to help stock essential foodbanks which support families in need in our local community.


Live music at the Academy

December 2023

Key Stage 3 students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have been treated to a captivating live performance by the up-and-coming boyband 'Absnt Mind', complemented by a thought-provoking discussion on mental health, body image and cyber bullying.