King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Investing in Children Award!

July 2024

We recognise the importance of positive health and wellbeing and for that reason, we are proud to have achieved the Investing in Children Membership Award! This recognises the wide range of support services we offer in school, alongside our programme of special events.


Year 5 Curriculum Weeks

July 2024

Our annual Year 5 Curriculum Weeks has been a huge success with hundreds of pupils from local primary schools joining us at King James to take part in a host of educational activities in all subjects.


An excellent year for Drama & Performing Arts

July 2024

The stimuli of ‘Morality’ and the work of Wes Anderson influenced the direction of the department's abstract performance and through the stimulus, students explored the complex and wonderful world of Morality and the personal, chaotic, web like narrative it would embody if actualised.


Creative and functional design in DT

July 2024

In Design Technology, students create physical products with a focus on attractive but functional design.


Media visit to Auckland Castle

June 2024

Year 12 Media students have enjoyed a guided tour of Auckland Castle to complete a location recce with a view to using the venue as a potential film location.


Victory for Future Business Magnates Team!

June 2024

We are delighted to announce that our Year 8 Future Business Magnates Team have claimed victory in the 2024 enterprise competition! The winners were announced at a glittering culmination event at Hardwick Hall Hotel.


Bishop Auckland Town Council Youth Award winners

June 2024

Bishop Auckland Town Council’s Youth Awards is designed to give recognition to outstanding young people in Bishop Auckland. This year, we are proud to announce that our students won five awards!


£935.43 raised for Cancer Research UK!

June 2024

We are an Academy full of enthusiastic fundraisers and most recently, Mr Graham, our Lead Practitioner for English organised a 4-week long sponsored fitness challenge to raise money for Cancer Research UK.


Layla on track to be a Lioness!

June 2024

At just 13 years old, King James I Academy student, Layla V is already making her mark in the world of professional football. Not only has she spent the last two seasons playing for Sunderland AFC Womens’ Academy Under 14s team, but she has also attended two England ‘invite-only’ camps for potential lionesses.


Coming soon! Cyberfirst Girls competition

June 2024

Next year, our Computing Department will be running an exciting CyberFirst Girls competition for Year 8 students, which aims to inspire girls who are interested in technology.