Ice cream rewards!

July 2023


Students enjoyed their free ice cream treats in the sunshine.

As a seasonal treat, students who were recognised for their positive behaviour, effort, and attendance were rewarded with ice cream from a visiting ice cream van, Gallone Ices.

Throughout the academic year, we have a number of calendared reward events for students, including Sweet Treat Rewards which take place every half term for select students in Years 7-11.

Students are chosen because they have earned the most positive Class Charts points in their year group and we think they deserve to be rewarded for their efforts and for being honourable students here at King James. All events are arranged by Mrs Aitkin, Deputy Headteacher.

Whereas in the Winter, we would treat our students to luxury hot chocolate and cookies, this time we decided to give them a summer treat of delicious ice cream which they loved!

Written by Lilly R, Year 12