Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
All students return to school on Thursday 5th of September for a 8:40 am start in form rooms. Year 7 are to go to the Main Hall at the start of the day.
Year 6 Open Evening - Wednesday 18th September 6pm-8pm
Students at King James I Academy and Sixth Form Centre are celebrating the best ever set of A-Level results, with a 100% pass rate across all courses and 100% of students who applied to university successfully securing places at top institutions.
Students achieved fantastic outcomes across a range of courses. In Business, over 50% of students achieved the top grade possible, and in Maths over 60% of students achieved an A* or A grade. A special mention goes to Anthony C, who achieved A* grades in all four of his chosen subjects, Computer Science, Maths, Physics and Further Maths; he will now go on to the University of Oxford to study Computer Science. In other subjects, 100% of Performing Arts students achieved the highest possible grade, and 87% of Sport students achieved a Distinction or Distinction*.
Luke G, who achieved a Distinction* in Psychology, an A in A-Level Maths and a B in A-Level Physics, will now go on to study a Degree in Astrophysics at Newcastle University, and Katie R, a talented sportswoman, achieved a Distinction* in Sport, an A in both Maths and in Further Maths, and a B grade in Geography. She will now study Geography at Durham University. A deserved mention also goes to Holly L, who achieved an A grade in Maths and B grades in Biology and Chemistry, securing her place to study Veterinary Science at the University of Nottingham.
Nearly 50% of the Sixth Form cohort at King James will attend university in September, whilst a number of others have successfully gained apprenticeships. Congratulations and best of luck to them all.