Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
We recognise the importance of positive health and wellbeing and for that reason, we are proud to have achieved the Investing in Children Membership Award! This recognises the wide range of support services we offer in school, alongside our programme of special events.
From a dedicated team of Student Support Workers who are trained in safeguarding, counselling and mediation, to our Student Mental Health and Wellbeing group, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Student Council, we make sure our students’ welfare remains at the top of our agenda, as we understand that good health is directly linked to learning and achievement.
King James Academy is incredibly proactive in supporting initiatives that promote positive wellbeing; many of them are coordinated by staff with the support of the student Mental Health and Wellbeing Focus Group. The group has helped to plan and deliver a series of campaigns and events within school to reach out to the wider student population including activities which focus on mental health stigma and discrimination such as ‘Time to Talk’ and ‘Find your Moments’.
The Student Council is made up of representatives from all year groups whose ideas help to shape student life. The Council meets with the Deputy Headteacher each half term to discuss issues, upcoming events and ideas to improve the student experience and academy life in general. Students discuss ideas with their peers in their form group before the meeting, and communicate these ideas with a view to making change. As a result of the Student Council, we now have a number of new lunchtime clubs across the school, vending machines with drinks and snacks and a new and a new basketball court.