E-safety - What you need to know

January 2021


Click the above image to view the e-safety leaflet.

1st rule- if at any point you don’t like what you see...

1. Close down the browser or switch off your device.

2. Report it.

3. Tell a responsible adult (parents, tutor, head of year or support worker to name a few).

Many of us step into the online world everyday but it is really important to following these simple steps:

1. Remember to create a positive digital footprint - everything you do online can be traced.

2. Communicate with only people you know.

3. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face don’t say it all - cyber-bullying matters!

4. Only download items from websites you know for sure are secure - remember to look for the padlock and https!

5. Don’t overshare / share personal details.

6. Try to limit your time on electronic devices - have regular breaks.

7. Always use passwords which are safe and secure, and do not share these with anyone else.

Support Workers

Here is a reminder of the Support Worker for each year group. You can contact any of the support workers below by emailing them via your gmail account. Otherwise, contact any member of staff and they will pass this on:

Year 7 - Ms Aldsworth

Year 8 - Mrs Bainbridge

Year 9 - Mr Powell

Years 10 & 11 - Miss Hutchfield

Remember - if you feel like something is not right, you can report it to any member of staff.


Click this link to view the e-safety leaflet.